Top 10 Most Expensive Prostitutes in the World

Prostitution is one of the most booming professions at the current time and you might actually be pretty amazed that the most expensive prostitutes in the world are earning an unbelievable amount per night.

There are times when you have traveled to various places and felt like booking a call girl or prostitute to have some fun in that new places but what if you got a chance to experience the night with some of the most expensive prostitutes in the world? Would you be willing to spend a night with these prostitutes?

Now let us have a look at all the top 10 expensive prostitutes.

Michelle Braun

Most Expensive Prostitutes in the World

She is one of the most expensive prostitutes who charge around $50,000 to $45,000 per night. Michelle also has her own escort service agency where she offers various gorgeous beauties to multiple clients while she serves customers who are willing to pay her the desired amount.

Most of her customers her famous celebrities and various business people with whom she has been caught multiple times.

Cannes Film Festival Prostitutes

The Cannes Flim Festival is widely famous because of various celebrities traveling through Yatch for their movie premiers along with their other cast. Along with the yacht story, a bunch of highly expensive prostitutes can also be found in this Cannes Flim Festival.

The Cannes Festival is usually surrounded by some of the most expensive prostitutes found near the bar and lobbies. Usually, an A-grade prostitute makes around $45,000 per night by serving the customer. These girls are highly attractive and have the talent to make the big profile men fall for their beauty and spend the night with them.

Since you need to be a part of a well-reputed agency in order to be included in the Cannes Flim Festival, therefore, it is pretty much tough to be a highly expensive prostitute at the Cannes Festival.


She is another famous personality who charges around $25,000 per night. Lauren came into the camera when the amount that she charged for a single night was leaked on the internet through a photograph.

Most Expensive Prostitutes in the World

Lauren is among the most expensive prostitutes in the world and almost everyone who has spent a night with her has simply fallen in love with her services and the quality time she offers to her clients which makes her one of the most desirable prostitutes in the world.

Natalie McLennan

Most Expensive Prostitutes in the World

She is one of the prettiest and most expensive prostitutes in the world. Natalie charges around $16,000 per night from her clients. She was also the face of various magazines for which she has been offered a pretty decent amount.

Most of her clients are famous sports people and she has also been seen with various business people which makes it pretty evident how she manages to attract clients who can offer her such a huge amount.

Alina Percea

She was just 18 years old when she stepped into the prostitution industry and lost her virginity. Also, she has gone through various medical examinations which later on helped her to be one of the most highly-paid prostitutes in the world.

Alina is one of the most famous and one of the most demanding prostitutes at the present time who charges $9,000 per night.

Ava Xi’an

Ava stepped into the industry due to her father’s surgery for which she was not able to pay the bills, hence, she stepped into the prostitution business where after a period of time she became one of the most highly paid prostitutes in the whole world.

She charges around $7,000 per night and it has been estimated that she earns around $42,000 per week through the services she offers to her clients.

Ms. Maya Blue

She is a young lady having her own website where she offers various pictures and you will also be able to find her profile on the same website. This lady has been seen offering services in Toronto, Las Vegas, Chicago, and New Orleans.

She is one of the most expensive prostitutes in the world, charging around $4,500 per night, and has a high demand throughout the year.

Ashley Dupre aka Kristen

The scandal of Governor “Eliot Spitzer” showed that she was one of the highest-paid prostitutes in the world. Kristen has been offering her services to various VIP people and charges a sum of $4,300 per night which adds her to the list of most expensive prostitutes.

Just Kassandra

She is one of the bold prostitutes who enjoys meeting with her clients and offering them her services. She also creates various adventurous travel arrangements and inspires people to join the fun and adventure.

Kassandra is one of the most loved prostitutes who offer great service to her clients at a cost of $3,000 per night.

Loredana Jolie

The last one on the list of the top 10 most expensive prostitutes is Loredana Jolie who charges $2,000 per night to her clients. She also received a cash payment of $15,000 with the unusual club of investment.

To receive such cash payment you need to be having various bookings which makes her one of the highly paid prostitutes.


These were the top 10 most expensive prostitutes in the world who have started their journey for some reason and currently are at a point where they are able to get such high payments that too for just a single night.

For any queries related to the most expensive prostitutes list you can reach out to us at any time.

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